video performance, 5'16'', 2018
Male-dominated culture, popular culture and the power-knowledge establish the knowledge of social subject. The individual describe his/her identity by these given values and knowledge. The body which is unitised with with a post-fordist perspective in today’s capitalist reality has become a transmitter that each of it’s piece is programmed to adopt and spread of patriarchal culture. This disunity of body also divides the conscious. It makes it exhausted and keep it far from itself to turn it into an automat to present the dominant culture.
The project “Automat” is a video of a performance of my presentation of videos screened with electronic devices placed on various parts of my body including real life footages and videos collected from internet. An experiment about the confrontation of male-dominated culture and my own subjectivity and how I export this culture to outside and how this process effects the body.