video, 12'12'', 2020
To create a form of dried linden branches, to carry it, to walk around with it, to spend time with it, to repair it when it breaks,to get it back on, to carry on without waiting for a return, to cross difficult places together and eventually to leave it to a waterfall bed. Saying goodbye, knowing that the waterfall will fill up again, the day the waters will flow, it will also dissipate,and that each part of it will fall in a different direction. To experience firsthand that separating paths with something or a person is to avoid fixing that thing in time and geography. Helping it go, continue to move and transform. Remembering that saying goodbye is a way to meet.
The artist benefits from the conditions and elements of the place he lives in in the residence program he participates in in this project. He creates a sculpture with the remnants of the natural habitat and the impressions he receives from the reptiles he constantly encounters, and subjects this statue to a process that spans weeks with the participation of other artists. This process, where the boundaries between ritual and play, performance and real life are mixed together, turns into a video project with the recordings taken by the artist. These records, which have been followed, convey the process of collective relationship established with a strange non-human form between living and non-living, and it exhibits comradeship situations.