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Fetal Rhythm

video performance, 6'59'', 2018


Subway stations always seemed like neural networks of the brain to me. Just like neurons, passengers in subways go from one point to the other via networks underneath the city surface. Each passenger carries information, memories, ideas and spreads them along the city. When passengers reached their destination, they are flung. The transportation process must be silent. Passengers generally don’t talk to each other. It’s not good to make eye contact. And subway systems also designed to reflect the power and wealth of government.

This video is made of footages taken from a 3 hours subway trip. Spontaneously I wandered most of the subway systems in Istanbul and took videos during the way. During this psychogeographic trip in underground I was seeing myself as the symbol of a burgeoning idea, a neuron maybe. Walking, wandering, being transferred from there to there and thinking, recording and memorizing.

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